

The 30 Second Revolution is dedicated to those busy individuals out there who care about creating positive social change, but don't have the time to research issues, write letters, or create petitions. Instead of feeling frustrated about your lack of time, just check in here periodically for a cause or campaign worthy of your support. For each issue posted I will also include a link to a petition or other action that you can complete in 30 seconds or less.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

URGENT: Send A Message To The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration About Arctic Drilling

Endangered Beluga whales breed in the Arctic
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is about to issue their recommendations on the Arctic drilling proposals by Shell.  If you missed last week's blog on the drilling industry's inability to clean up an oil spill in Arctic conditions, click here for the additional details.  In short, neither the government nor the oil companies have a proven method of cleaning up oil spills under the extreme Arctic conditions.  Considering the devastation that takes place under ideal conditions for cleaning up a spill, such as the Gulf spill, the devastation of an Arctic spill would be exponentially worse.  The problems associated with cleaning up a spill in the Arctic are further compounded when you consider that the Arctic is home to numerous endangered species, including the Beluga, Bowhead, and Grey whales.  Other endangered species who rely on the Arctic include polar bears and various species of dolphins.

Beluga whales dead from a local oil spill
It is urgent that you tell the NOAA you expect a viable and proven method of clean up be available before any drilling starts in the Arctic.
Click here to send your pre-composed message to the NOAA.

Related Articles:
From 9/11, A Lesson on Whales Noise and Stress - NY Times blog regarding noise pollution on whales
Photography Chronicling the Gulf Oil Spill
History of the Controversy - Wikipedia Article